Habitat 52 Spring 2018

What does your membership really mean? Your membership provides a full year of Vitamin Z, which includes seeing animals in naturalistic habitats, connecting with nature and having fun while learning. But your membership does so much more. It helps us care for and conserve animals here at home and across six continents. It supports the advancement of animal welfare, environmental sustainability and humane education while positively impacting the community. Thank you for your membership. Together, we can continue our mission of Celebrating and Saving Wildlife . Renew today at detroitzoo.org/membership , call (248) 541-5717 (press 3) or visit our onsite Membership Booth. H ABITAT Celebrating and Saving Wildlife T h e M a g a z i n e o f t h e D e t r o i t Z o o l o g i c a l S o c i e t y 16 | March/April/May 2018 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PA I D Permit No. 480 Royal Oak, MI Your Member ID: 8450 W. 10 Mile Road Royal Oak, MI 48067 Address Service Requested membership  detroitzoo.org/memberships/member-benefits