Habitat 72 - Winter 2023

Ask AN INTERVIEW WITH AARON JESUE, DETROIT ZOO ANIMAL CARE STAFF How did you decide to become an animal care staff member? I actually made the decision when I was 3 years old, watching the original “King Kong” movie from 1933. King Kong was supposed to be scary, but what I saw was the connection between the gorilla and the human. When my parents took me to the zoo, I would always be the kid watching the gorillas. Throughout school, for any random project, everyone knew mine would tie in with gorillas — then I studied zoology in college. I came to the Detroit Zoo in 2014. What does your typical day look like? There’s a schedule to our day with goals in mind, but everything is based on the animals, their needs and what they feel like doing that day. We arrive at 7 a.m. for a meeting. Next, we prep medications, vitamins and juices. Then, we start shifting the animals in order to get them their breakfast and start their day. We have a lot to accomplish before guests arrive. We focus on the chimps first because there are 12 of them — that’s a lot of chimps with different needs and personalities, and we have to give them time to wake up. Then, we move to the gorillas and do the same thing. From there, it’s a couple hours’ worth of cleaning. We plan different types of enrichment — things that are mentally and physically stimulating so the animals stay moving and engaged throughout the day. Then, more cleaning and diet prep, paperwork and the occasional special event. What is the best part of your job? Talking with guests about the animals. Any interaction might inspire someone to become a zookeeper or just help someone know that if you’re passionate about something, it will lead where you want it to. Whatever your dream job is, it’s possible, because I’m living it every single day. THE EXPERT 3 AARON JESUE