Habitat 72 - Winter 2023

17 The Belle Isle Nature Center is home to many animals, but some of the most visible are the gray treefrogs. Visitors scan and squint trying to track down these exquisitely camouflaged creatures, who are usually hiding in plain sight on panes of glass, aluminum windows and door frames and fencing inside their habitat. The young and the young at heart can approach their search from “underground” by popping up into an acrylic viewing bubble to see if they can spy a frog from the garden level. Wild gray treefrogs are very comfortable in urban settings and can often be found on the sides of buildings, window ledges, gutters, downspouts and other shady places in the wild. There are two species of gray treefrogs found in Michigan, and the Nature Center is home to both — Cope’s gray treefrog and the eastern gray treefrog. These frogs have fascinating capabilities, including the ability to survive frozen temperatures, as well as being able to modify their coloring to blend in with their surroundings. Stop by the Nature Center today to see these amazing amphibians up close! Meet A BELLE ISLE STAR