Habitat 70 - Summer 2023

18 One of the beautiful things about birding is that it doesn’t take much to get started. Walk outside — do you see a bird? Congratulations! You’re a birder. Birding isn’t just about finding the rarest, prettiest bird around. It’s about stopping, looking, listening and appreciating the nature you call home. Another wonderful aspect of this pastime is that it creates a sense of awe and wonder in places you may have passed by your whole life. What was once just a tree outside your home is now a refuge for a brilliantly colored indigo bunting, a small bird with vibrant blue feathers. You notice how the blue of the bird contrasts so wildly with the red berries of the tree. Then you ask yourself, how have I not noticed how bright those berries were before? Belle Isle is a birding hotspot nestled deep in the heart of the city of Detroit. At the Belle Isle Nature Center, we work to take both aspects of birding and meld them into an enriching and community building experience that we hope lasts a lifetime. Leading bird walks, especially those with our community partners such as Detroit Outdoors and Detroit Audubon, are one of my favorite types of hikes to lead. There’s never any judgment about how many times you’ve been to the island or how expensive your gear is — it’s all about getting outside and appreciating this vibrant landscape we call home. Summer is here, bringing a flurry of migratory birds. Whether you are a first-timer or a seasoned veteran, now is the right time to start birding! For more bird watching opportunities, visit the Belle Isle Nature Center, open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Explore upcoming public programs and more at belleislenaturecenter.org. BY SIERRA MCWILLIAMS, EDUCATION SPECIALIST BIRDING MADE EASY at the BELLE ISLE NATURE CENTER