Habitat 39 Winter 2015

detroitzoo.org • HABITAT | 15 dzoo.org/support  suppor t For many of us, Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season, when we feast on good food and enjoy quality time with family and friends. We hope you will also take a moment to reflect on what you can do to give back this holiday season. On December 2, charities, families, businesses, community members and students all over the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give. As you plan your year-end charitable giving, please consider making a contribution to your Detroit Zoo. Donations to the Detroit Zoo Fund help provide the very best in veterinary care for the Zoo’s animals, whether large or small, winged or hoofed, furry or scaly. These gifts also provide educational opportunities for children and adults of all ages and support local and global conservation efforts. So, on this Giving Tuesday, get in the holiday spirit by giving and giving back. Please make a contribution to the Detroit Zoo. Your support will demonstrate that Americans can do more with their wallets than shop – and that we can give as good as we get! Thank you for your partnership in Celebrating and Saving Wildlife . Our special thanks to all those who have already made a donation this year. There are three simple ways you can make a gift: ONLINE: To make a donation visit www.detroitzoo.org MAIL: Make your check payable to the Detroit Zoological Society and mail to: Detroit Zoological Society 8450 W. 10 Mile Road Royal Oak, MI 48067 Attn: Detroit Zoo Fund PHONE: Call Sommer Brock at (248) 336-5729 Support your Detroit Zoo this Giving Tuesday!